Rebirth::Collective’s new album ‘Witchcraft’ is now available in CD-format in our webshop or in your favorite record store. If you don’t find it in stock just yet, tell the shop responsible to order from our distributor Sonic Rendez-vous, and he/she will know what to do.
In about two weeks the album will also be available digitally in the iTunes Store and in the streaming outlets Spotify, Deezer and Apple Music. But please do be aware you’re supporting artists the most by buying a physical copy, even when you are paying for your monthly streaming subscription… The streaming business model has practically annihilated the income of artists from album ‘sales’, while the cost of making a high quality album still remains a considerable investment. Thanks for informing yourself properly about the reality of the modern music business and thanks a lot for caring.
Two nice reviews about the album were published already : one in Dutch and one in French. We hope to read some more very soon 🙂